This masterklass equips you with everything you need to build a powerful e-commerce brand. Taught by the founder of Quirksmith, Pragya Batra takes you through the journey of building an e-commerce brand, right from brand discovery to conversions. Develop a thorough understanding of what makes a brand and the appropriate marketing tactics.
2 hours of Content
Learn how to build a successful e-commerce brand
Get certified to stand out from the crowd
10 Learning Materials
Learn form the experts and grow in your career
2 Courses • 1039 Students
Co-founder - Quirksmith, Ex-Bain, INSEAD Alum
Pragya heads marketing & sales at Quirksmith, a venture that she and her sister co-founded, which became a multi-million dollar e-commerce brand. Prior to that, she has spent several years in strategy & consulting and worked with Bain & Company, India. She was also the Head for Strategy and Operations (Revenue) at InMobi. Pragya is an IIT Delhi graduate and an INSEAD alum.
You should definitely enroll for this masterklass if you belong to these categories,
Marketing Job Seekers
MBA Aspirants & Students
Career Transition Seekers
MBA Marketing Students
Sales / BD / Mktg. Ops. Executives
Rated - 5/5
The course is really helpful and instructor has helped me to understand several concepts through sharing personal experiences. It was definitely a curriculum I enjoyed.
Rated - 5/5
Very well articulated n structured. It was very informative and practical given that the experience was relatable and easy to understand.
Rated - 5/5
The instructor have created a wonderful brand with courage and a lot of patience which one can notice while watching a videos. She have gone through some key matrices.
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